Arbenco Petrochemical Company, Bahreyn`dan kimyasallar, petrokimya hammaddeleri, petrol türevleri tedarikçisi

I have 50 thousand tons of methanol. Do you buy or do I have a customer for them?

BahreynKimyasallarPetrokimya HammaddeleriPetrol Türevleri15 ay önce
  1. Anbar Asya
  2. Bahreyn ile ticaret
  3. Arbenco Petrochemical Company
Cevaplayabileceği diller:
İletişim yolları:
[email protected]
I have 50 thousand tons of methanol. Do you buy or do I have a customer for them?
I have 50 thousand tons of methanol. Do you buy or do I have a customer for them?

I have 50 thousand tons of methanol. Do you buy or do I have a customer for them?

For sale: 50 thousand barrels of methanol, phone number: 0097339211616

AmonyakKlorFosforik AsitSülfürik AsitEtilenPolibütadienPolipropilenStiren Bütadien KauçuğuAkrilonitril Bütadien StirenBitümMotor YağıBaz YağParafinPetrol Koku

Bu teklif 15 ay önce Arapça dilinde ve Bahreyn ülkesinden tescil edilmişti.

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